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In Utility Intelligence, a consideration (also called axis) represents an aspect of the game world that influences the utility of a decision. It indicates how appealing the decision is at the moment and is always normalized in the range [0, 1].

For instance, suppose our agent has a decision called AttackEnemy, and this decision has an axis like this: How high is my health right now?. If the agent’s health currently is 100, then the utility of this axis will be 1.0. It’s very appealing, isn’t it? However if the agent’s health is just 50, then the utility is only 0.5. It’s not as appealing anymore, right?

In addition, you can add as many axes as you want to a decision. That’s why Dave Mark calls it the Infinite Axis Utility System.

Understanding how considerations work

A consideration is made up of:

Input is some knowledge about the game world that used to calculate the score of a consideration. For example, my health, target health, distance to target, etc. And it is normalized to [0, 1] by an Input Normalization.

Then the normalized input is processed through a Response Curve, which remaps the normalized input to a consideration score. These consideration scores are then multiplied together to get the final score of the decision. Therefore, if the score of any consideration is 0, then the score of the decision will also be 0.


Compensation Factor

The more considerations a decision has, the lower the score it will be due to the multiplication. For example, if a decision has 9 considerations and the score of each consideration is 0.9, then the final score of it will be 0.99 = 0.387.

Therefore, theoretically, if a decision has an infinite number of axes, even if the consideration scores are high, the final score of the decision will be close to 0.

To address this issue, Dave Mark introduced the Compensation Factor calculation, which takes into account the number of considerations to balance it. He presented this calculation in Building a Better Centaur: AI at Massive Scale (9:10).

Here’s how the compensation factor calculation is implemented in code:

public static float CompensateScore(float considerationScore, float considerationCount)  
    float modificationFactor = 1.0f - 1.0f / considerationCount;  
    float makeUpValue = (1.0f - considerationScore) * modificationFactor;  
    return considerationScore + makeUpValue * considerationScore;  

To enable/disable Compensation Factor, you need to check/uncheck the Compensation Factor option in the Intelligence Editor.


Creating Considerations

To create a new consideration, you need to go to the Consideration Tab, fill in the
Name field, and then click the Create button:


After creating a consideration, you can select an Input, an Input Normalization, and update the Response Curve of the consideration, change their values and observe how these changes affect the consideration score.

Consideration Statuses

Considerations only have two statuses at both runtime and editor time:

 : Executed

 : Discarded


Creating Inputs

There are two ways to create a new input:

  1. Create a class inherited from Input<Value> and override OnGetRawInput method. For example:

    public class MyDistanceToTargetInput : Input<float>
        protected override float OnGetRawInput(InputContext context)
            var myPosition = AgentFacade.Position;
            var targetPosition = context.TargetFacade.Position;
            myPosition.Y = 0;
            targetPosition.Y = 0;
            return Vector3.Distance(myPosition, targetPosition);

  2. Because each consideration is considered per target, so if the input factor exists in both Self and Target entities, then the input class should inherit from InputFromSource<Value>:

    public class HealthInput : InputFromSource<int>
        protected override int OnGetRawInput(InputContext context)
            UtilityEntity inputSource = GetInputSource(context);
            if (inputSource.EntityFacade is Character character)
                return character.Health.Health;
            return 0;

  • Using InputFromSource<Value>, you can choose the source of the input: either Self or Target:

To add inputs to the agent, you need to go to the Input Tab, give it a name, select the input type and then click to the Create button:


To select the input for a consideration, you need to select the input name from this drop down in Consideration Editor:


Built-in Inputs

Currently, Utility Intelligence provides these buit-in inputs:

  • BasicInputFloat(Int/Bool): It returns the default value of the type at runtime and is mainly used for testing considerations
  • MyDistanceToTargetInput: It returns the distance from the current agent to the target.

Input Normalizations

Creating Input Normalizations

  • To create a Input Normalization, you need to create a new inherited from InputNormalization<Value> and override OnCalculateNormalizedInput method. For example:

    public class IsInChargeRadiusNormalization : InputNormalization<float>
        public float ChargeRadius = 2;
        protected override float OnCalculateNormalizedInput(float rawInput, InputContext context)
            return rawInput >= 0 && rawInput <= GetChargeRadius(context) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        private float GetChargeRadius(InputContext context)
            if (context is { TargetFacade: ChargeStation chargeStation })
                return chargeStation.ChargeRadius;
            return ChargeRadius;

  • To select the input normalization for a consideration, you need to select the normalization type from this drop down in Consideration Editor:

Built-in Input Normalizations

We provides a lot of built-in input normalizations to help you normalize your inputs without having to write a single line of code:

  • Float
    • BasicNormalizationFloat: It clamps the input value to [0, 1]
    • DivideByMaxValueFloat: It divides the input by MaxValue.
    • GreaterThanOrEqualValueFloat: It returns 1 if the input value is greater than Value; otherwise, it returns 0.
    • LessThanOrEqualValueFloat: It returns 1 if the input value is less than the Value; otherwise, it returns 0.
    • InRangeFloat: It maps the input value from [MinValue, MaxValue] to [0, 1]. Note that if the input value is above MaxValue, then the normalized value is 1, and if the input value is below MaxValue, then the normalized value is 0.
    • IsInRangeFloat: It returns 1 if the input value is in the range [MinValue, MaValue]; otherwise, it returns 0.
  • Int
    • The integer input normalizations are similarly to the floats
  • Bool
    • BasicNormalizationBool: It returns 1 if the input value is true; otherwise, it returns 0.

Response Curves

In Utility Intelligence, response curves are used to remap the normalized input to the consideration score. And it has 5 parameters:

  • Curve Type
  • Slope
  • Exponent
  • XShift
  • YShift

You can change these parameters to adjust the shape of the response curve based on your needs.

Utility Intelligence also provides a list of useful presets for response curves. If you want to use our presets, you just need to select one and click to the Apply button.


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Last update : April 17, 2024
Created : March 31, 2024